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Géneros De Punto Fabrés

G.P. Fabrés was created in 1952 by Josep Fabrés Palomer. The company made its way in the knitwear industry, and in 1976 the second generation of the family joint the company.
Progressively, G.P. Fabrés expanded the business all over Spain, Europe, North America, Asia and Australia. This fact led the company to change its facilities a few times, which are currently located in Mataró, near Barcelona, in one of the main textile industrial areas.
Its long history of almost seventy years has been reflected in the recognition of the customers to the good product and service of G.P. Fabrés, becoming one of the leaders in the production of circular knitted fabrics worldwide.
Being a family owned business, Fabrés offers a close approach to the customers, easiness in the communication, technical advice and flexibility. Also, the high skills of the people who make up the Fabres team shows in the creativity of the designs, the quality of the fabrics and an excellent global service.
Currently G.P. Fabrés is led by the third generation of the family and exports more than 60% of its production to the five continents.


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