Milano Unica Tendenze e-MilanoUnica Connect

Still life

Material Story

Inanimate objects interact until they acquire the movement of theatricality in unusual and creative compositions. Textures and contrasting shapes enhance each other in a stimulating triumph of variety and elements. The fruits of the earth leave their natural context to pose in an artificial scene, captured in a single shot. A fresh perspective on nature, much like the use of kapok berries by Minardi Piume. Acidic lights strike delicate little flowers in an experimental atmosphere, set against the chemically vibrant purple backdrop of a Tessitura Attilio Imperiali - Serikos 1984 fabric. Softly crackling soap foam spills over an E-Style fabric, whose clean and airy aesthetic appears bright and luminous against the unexpected black of the scenography. Silent and composed order returns in the arrangement of circles and cylinders, with neutral colours that soften even the roughest irregularities – like the gentle touch of a Tessilgodi fabric. Refinement tells the story of authenticity and simplicity through the elegant and delicate description of Erco Pizzi lace. Gritti 1924 buttons embrace a minimal yet sophisticated style, like the juicy and crisp taste of two fruits resting in crystal-clear glasses. Vegetables transform into almost unrecognizable scenic props, their irregular shapes wrapped in a glossy, smooth skin – just like a fabric by C.T.A. Centro Tessile Annunziata. Sea and land unite: a gently explosive corolla of an Ebtex Bertini fabric emerges from the porcelain bite of a seashell. From the heads of slender, tapered stems hang the pink horn leaves by Zanchi Giovanni, where essential lines pair with plastic and malleable accessories. A small paper construction inspires the original lace by Jean Bracq, while rings play with their varying thicknesses and imperfect circumferences.

Concept & editing by Zoom on Fashion Trends magazine

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