Milano Unica Tendenze e-MilanoUnica Connect


More and more close to our customers
Understanding the design and taste of our time through the culture of tradition and the search for the best quality - this is our aim.
Plain, patterned and jacquard fabrics aimed at fashion clothing, attentive to the research and detail of the raw materials.
We have chosen to commit ourselves to ensuring that our fabrics also pay ever more attention to a high standard of "responsible care", to provide solutions that respect Quality, Safety, Health and the Environment. Our certifications are always up to date - including GOTS, RWS, RMS, ZQ, NATIVA, FSC, GRS
Furthermore, we are partner of Process Factory 4 Sustainability - adopting the 4sustainability Chemical Management Protocol, which actually implements the ZDHC MRSL and periodically transparently measures the application level.

It is also possible to view our collection via our VEDO online archive.


The service is supplied by Milano Unica which acts as a neutral provider and the contents are under the exhibitor's responsability.