Original signs extend from the edges of the road like banners. Distinctive symbols of small businesses or services act as location markers, catching our attention day or night — a friendly invitation from afar. Along shopping streets, they compete for attention, but a floral emblem on a Sprintex Ercea-LEV fabric wins the contest, evoking the refreshing allure of a craft beer enjoyed on a summer afternoon. Unmissable on a Joshua Ellis fabric are the oversized signs of a small venue, depicted through welcoming, naïve graphics. The raw texture of a Lanificio Paoletti - MTF fabric calls to mind a weathered sign that has stood the test of time, marking the entrance to the city’s old bookstore. Three letters suspended vertically along the wall of a building spell the word BAR. Its bold uppercase design exudes an unmistakably Italian style, as if crafted from a Flex Tex ribbon. A wrought-iron sign tells the city’s ancient history with rigid curls, from which hang medieval fonts on a deep burgundy background — reminiscent of Texcart accessories. Beyond historic city centres, the focus shifts to modernity, where a Tessil Opera fabric indulges in pink cupcakes at a contemporary bakery. Here, neon signs glow in bold hues, like the electric, iridescent fuchsia by Free Time. The clear lettering and vivid orange of a Metal Service label stand out on a sign marking the meeting point for catching a passing bus quickly. Illustrations and words act as covers, opening doors to curious passersby, offering a glimpse into the essence of the place. A modest blue hue and an unfussy word welded onto a stone wall welcome Forza Giovane Art, evoking the comforting warmth of freshly baked bread. Entirely different sensations are conveyed by the minimalist, high-tech sign of a modern pub, where the name is subtly highlighted on a Manly Interlinings fabric.
Concept & editing by Zoom on Fashion Trends magazine