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Bizarre imagination

Material Story

A touch of strangeness sneaks into reality and, with just a few moves, it creates familiar oddities. A sense of normalcy with a hint of the impossible, seen through the lens of fantasy, plays with the absurd. Thus, on the breakfast plate, an iridescent CD becomes the egg white of a spherical yolk, like the pearly heart of a transparent button by Gafforelli. Meanwhile, in a dadaist spirit, vision is playfully obscured by a fabric in EverWaxTM by Halley Stevensons. At the end of the sea, a sky veiled with pink clouds – like a tulle by Renard Grière – stretches across a fabricated horizon, where a door opens to let one step in and out of a world of imagination where anything is possible. A place where wool is born already coloured, and bright-hued sheep, like a fabric by Giotex F.lli Giorgetti, frolic across the fields. Vast meadows where trees and grass grow thick and wild. Letting oneself be absorbed by vigorous nature, disappearing as if by magic into a deep forest-green painting, like an Ecopel Europe faux fur. A magical passage into another dimension, a mirrored world, an upside-down reality hidden behind the blooming pond by Junior Arte Ricami by Adele Zibetti. A fabric by Lineaesse Group imagines the possibility of going anywhere, drawing roads as it moves forward, aiming high toward an unlimited sky. A giraffe becomes a tourist out of place, peering through the door as if it was a window, exploring rooms with richly decorated walls adorned with lace and Sama accessories. With its head in a cloud by Tessile Fiorentina Company, everything feels lighter. A soft unreality closes one’s eyes and sparks thoughts that drift freely into the sky-blue hue of a Mida 1975 fabric. An umbrella, caught in a gust of wind like a helium-filled balloon, never comes back down.

Concept & editing by Zoom on Fashion Trends magazine

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