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15 / E08

Product and Description

  • accessori plexiglass LABAM fibbie
  • Accessori per pelletteria e tessuti (componenti, ganci, bottoni, manici, chiusure, fibbie,
    morsetti, anelli, moschettoni, catene, perline, occhielli...). Si possono produrre in
    qualsiasi colore, sia tinta unita che effetti venati, (materiale 100% plexiglass), anche in
    finiture riciclate. Vengono sempre impiegate energie sostenibili nelle produzioni (riciclo
    acque, ed energia da pannelli fotovoltaici). Vengono inoltre sempre riciclati gli scarti di produzione.


  • PMMA Recycled Not Certified 100%

Company Certifications and Commitments

  • CNMI guidelines

Product Certifications


  • S/S 2026

Additional Observations

Summary of sustainability characteristics

  • Actions to reduce the chemical risk for human health and the environment.

    Chemical management compliance

    Responsible chemistry in agriculture

    Responsible chemistry in manufacturing

  • Actions to favour products' recycling, reuse, durability, and life cycle extension.

    Recycled materials

    Waste circular management

    Designed for circularity