Gruppo Uniesse SS 2026 New Collection.
In the soul of Gruppo Uniesse design, ethics and sustainability have always featured its DNA with a natural rhythm, whose peculiarity is the use of natural and precious materials, such as real horn, wood, shells, corozo nut and bone.
But the Company also stands out for the craftsmanship of ureic resin, a well known material, produced by the factory itself.
Ureic resin contains a high percentage of real horn powder, which creates and emphasizes the colors.
For the SS 2026 Season, Gruppo Uniesse is still focused on ‘Ecology’, which is the main challenge of our times, keeping on producing and proposing natural materials, Bio resins, Ureic Resins.
One more flagship from Uniesse, that’s the internal production of shoulder-pads, 100% made in Italy, with innovative and trendy proposals.