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BLUE ON BLUES fashion fabrics


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13 / D08

Product and Description

  • Il campione è un tessuto tipo Chanel, realizzato con filati di diversa consistenza che conferiscono al capo una particolare tridimensionalità e un effetto visivo sofisticato. La combinazione di filati misti di cotone e lurex dona al tessuto una lucentezza delicata, arricchendo la superficie con riflessi brillanti e una texture unica. Questa composizione lo rende ideale per capi di alta moda, come giacche e abiti eleganti, che richiedono un effetto strutturato e luminoso, pur mantenendo un aspetto raffinato e contemporaneo.


  • Polyester Recycled Not Certified 50%
  • Cotton Rigenerative Not Certified 50%

Company Certifications and Commitments

  • ISO 14001
  • ISO 50001
  • CNMI guidelines

Product Certifications

  • OEKO-TEX 100


  • S/S 2026

Additional Observations

  • Sustainability Management System

Summary of sustainability characteristics

  • Actions to fight climate change and its impacts on the planet and the industry.

    Carbon neutrality target

    Lower climate impact materials

    Renewable energy

  • Actions to reduce the chemical risk for human health and the environment.

    Chemical management compliance

    Responsible chemistry in agriculture

    Responsible chemistry in manufacturing

  • Actions to ensure the conservation and restoration of ecosystems and animal welfare protection.

    Organic / regenerative agriculture

    Cruelty-free / sustainable breeding

    Responsible forest management

  • Actions to favour products' recycling, reuse, durability, and life cycle extension.

    Recycled materials

    Waste circular management

    Designed for circularity

  • Actions to ensure the respect of human and labor rights throughout the supply chain.

    Human rights enhancement

    Labour rights in manufacturing

    Labour rights in agriculture