Milano Unica Tendenze e-MilanoUnica Connect

Brushstrokes on canvas

Material Story

Firm and messy brushstrokes, slow and heavy but also quick and light, draw figures without rules. Abstract art is all about the immediacy of a gesture and an impulse, a feeling that comes out without control or forethought, reinterpreting reality on canvas. A panorama distorted by waiting and by cool complementary colours marks a fabric by Harris Tweed Hebrides while a faux fur by De Ball is splashed by a lagoon landscape. Close your eyes for a moment and scratchy wax crayons begin scribbling on your damp eyelid, strangely festive lines and squiggles explode in the pattern on a Quorum fabric. Perspectives mix, expanding the image in an unexpected way. The red Tessport roof of a house opens up like a cross-section. Linen paper embeds oil pastel in clumps. A knit by Luís Azevedo & Filhos roughens a curious meeting of chunky pastels thrown onto the surface. A pure sea blue by Ricciarini opens a vaguely familiar door onto an emerald green-tiled room, resembling a knit fabric by Trimalhas - Knit Inspiration. A theatre of adventures, like a sailing voyage embarked upon by Valter buckles, or an epic and heroic journey to an ochre-gold land, a terry field like Loden Steiner’s fabric featuring a flying dragon. When you open your eyes again, a veil by Gipitex paints a whole new landscape. Dried watercolours and brushes are laid out like paint in rough, seemingly random strokes.

Concept & editing by Zoom on Fashion Trends magazine