Milano Unica Tendenze e-MilanoUnica Connect


Material Story

Curved, light and frothy shapes, airy, smooth and soft textures make up fluid folds and delicate layering. The pale pink of an Elitex fabric attracts the touch in a sensory bubble in which the candid silk by Delta Tex opens up soft, wavy gaps. A woolly-looking ribbon by Nastrificio Angelo Valera attracts the fingers into its rounded folds, while the miniscule irregular folds by Majocchi, NT break up the softness with a pleasant shagginess. The marble-like accessories by Lampa reopen the folds bringing back the sweetness of departure. In the imaginative power of touch, a fabric by I.T.J.V. Têxteis evokes angular shapes that melt into one another, while the pastel green labels by Graf & Co become thin, malleable panels. Gunold’s golden threads mark the contours of a thousand softly fragile veils. Touch is vaguely stimulated by sinking your fingers into Thindown - Nipi Italia wadding, a perceptive opening in which the hands seem to break down, following the airy impulses of an interlining by Chargeurs PCC - Nativa.

Concept & editing by Zoom on Fashion Trends magazine