Milano Unica Tendenze e-MilanoUnica Connect

Artist’s studio

Material Story

An intimate and sacred place for the artist, who creates and contemplates their works in the studio. Here, their creative biography is gathered; early studies and new experiments hang on the walls like souvenir photos. Finished works rest here and there, among Piovese Fashion labels and empty frames, in the still free corners of the room. On the easel, watercolour sheets and a veil of Delago are left to dry. Colours dry on the work tools. A spatula dirty by Stelmar Eco - Friendly Packaging's blue clouds spreads a thick and pasty trail of oil paint; the palette is a chromatic archive on which the buttons of Bottonificio Lenzi 1955 have accidentally landed. Turquoise, white, and a touch of red inevitably stain the hands; the tempera paints are indivisible in the myrtle green of Limonta 1893 fabric. Like tufts of Texmoda fabric, brushes, with permanently marked handles, gather in a thick bouquet of bristles once pristine but still capable of giving shape to imagination. A metamorphosis immortalized on the canvas, two bodies forever on the verge of merging under the intertwined seal of a Satab ribbon. The white bamboo fabric of Rovagnati Vincenzo reaches the rolls of canvas eagerly waiting to serve as a backdrop for the painter's imaginative stories, while the rough cotton paper scratches the charcoal that outlines faces, leaving the imprint of Marlane - Marzotto Group fabric. In the artist's studio, the thick and seemingly hurried portraits of the sketchy portraits contrast with meticulous projects. With 0.1 tips, the hand draws rich and very light Darquer & Méry lace.

Concept & editing by Zoom on Fashion Trends magazine