Milano Unica Tendenze e-MilanoUnica Connect

It’s raining

Material Story

Raindrops fall from above, wetting the ground, dampening the already cold air, and creating a growing melody, a rustling descent and uncoordinated pops on the road. Heavy clouds darken the sky with shades of grey and blue, leaving small patches of white here and there like a fabric by Polistyle. The drops begin to gather in a puddle, each one piercing the surface in turn, reminiscent of a bouclé fabric by Lanificio Piemontese. On the same sidewalk, a streetlamp illuminates the surrounding darkness and the glittering chains like a silver thread in Lanificio Moessmer's fabric. The wind has lifted a kite, and the sky has become even denser, like a Euromaglia net, with layers upon layers of clouds tangling with each other, pressing against the rough sea. On the fogged-up windows, water slowly slides down, creating wide paths or narrow, shiny threads like Gunold. The persistent rain has filled the street's uneven surfaces, turning them into a playground of overlapping water circles. One beneath the other, they fade until they vanish, absorbed like white into a blue fabric by Quaregna - La Tela di Penelope. Gradually, the water stops falling, the black clouds thin out, revealing a bit of mysterious blue like in a fabric by Lanificio Paoletti - MTF, while the glass window becomes a pointillist artwork of artificial lights, a print by New Concepts / Div. Stamperia di Martinengo. A cloud catches the only sunbeam, tinting it and piercing it with a rainbow in the navy sky, like lines and colours in a fabric by Canclini1925 Per Lei; the clouds disperse and soften, revealing the sun behind them and taking on the colour of a fabric by Tessil-novex.

Concept & editing by Zoom on Fashion Trends magazine