Milano Unica Tendenze e-MilanoUnica Connect

Negative colours

Material Story

Subjects are captured in colours unusual by their very nature, a complementary vision creates mystery, charm and ambiguity. The beauty of an alternative and unexpected appearance is explored by the fabrics in this collection. A wonderful orange sky over a snow-covered field, like a soft scarf by MA.AL.BI. 1947 - Manifatture Alto Biellese. In the greenhouse, the glass panes turn dark and little cracks light up, pale shadows and dark lights come together in harmony in a Milior fabric. Artistic experimentations reveal floral shapes chemically imprinted in a mix of old pinkish browns, like a Moon fabric. The clear, black sunlight gives lifeforce to the bright pink leaves, a vigorous linear branching uncovered in the laces and accessories by PB Accessories. On the shore of a lake, magenta trees are reflected in the scarlet water like a fabric by Lemar, while the undergrowth is a psychedelic pink cloak resembling a fur coat in wool by Lane di Prato. The calmness of a park takes a mysterious turn in an altered shot. The greyscale seeks to hide the colours which manage to emerge, recalling a fabric by Bisentino. Photographic tests fill the roll of an analogue camera in which botanical shots generate otherworldly, slightly grainy negatives that seem to inspire the pattern for a fabric by Tessilbiella. No one is immune to the charm of old films, so the typical, timeless greys inspire the two-ply fabric by Blacknoir. The intriguing tale of black and white negatives that made every shot ghostly, only to reveal the joy when they were developed, is reproduced in the paintings and fabrics by Ruffo Coli.

Concept & editing by Zoom on Fashion Trends magazine