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At the campsite

Material Story

A solitary escape or a weekend among friends in an isolated, wild spot. Survival techniques immersed in sharp colours. When the light source retreats for a few minutes, the view turns two-colour, strongly contrasting lights and shadows are captured in the threads of Decatex ribbons. In the makeshift fire, charcoal turns the colour of aluminium like the saucepan over the flame, resembling Delfi’s fabric. The tent is a movable window onto ever changing landscapes, this time brown mountains and wild flowers fill every corner of the view, captured in Texta’s fabric. Away from the city, the stars are more clearly visible. A fabric by Pontex since 1972 replicates the contrast of the blue sky interrupted by a single artificial light. A little earlier, Its Artea reunited everyone around the bonfire, telling stories and legends by firelight. Don’t forget your walking boots and a hot flask before continuing your trek. Lenzi Bottoni’s robust-looking buttons feature woody patterns and metals reproduce the right walking gear, while Ocean draws inspiration from tent poles to create technical, sporty accessories. A lake clearly reflects the mountains surrounding it, pale grey rock and white snow provide a breath-taking spectacle that Valplastick uses to create its recycled wood hangers. Little patches of grass interrupt the reflection of the water, rippling it with their tufts that distort the colours, just like a woolly fabric by Sintopel. At the end of the weekend, everything is neatly folded and packed into a backpack and the journey continues. Waterproof and waxed materials inspire the smooth, glossy fabric by Tessitura Corti. The end of two days of discovery and exploration.

Concept & editing by Zoom on Fashion Trends magazine