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The colours of Barcelona

Material Story

A cheerful journey to discover Barcelona, a city of mosaic art and extravagant architecture. Built by its history where eras coexist and influence each other under the creative and design-focused eyes of the artists who lived there. The whimsically natural curves of Gaudí are a timeless marvel. Like Arpex Textiles ribbons, on the nonexistent edges, the colours enhance each other, hypnotizing the gaze. Playful sand sculptures cast shadows on a Luís Azevedo & Filhos fabric and admire the city from above. Here and there on a Bedini F.lli fabric, roses on the balcony bloom in a perpetual springtime flowering. The cold season seems never to arrive in the city; on the streets, a typical flowered meadow is etched into the stone the colour of an Olimpias Fabrics fabric. In Parc Güell, imagination and creativity reach their highest expression. Irregular fragments are carefully juxtaposed to form recurring motifs and figures. Vostex ribbons encircle an otherwise bare column, enriching it with cobalt blue. Painted ceramics are set in a continuous, disorderly, and polychromatic mosaic like a Seride fabric. The wonder is hidden within the walls of Casa Milà. Inside, a very light Ghioldi fabric seems to cover the walls with naturalistic shades while outside, from the soft waves, cascades of metallic ribbons by Nastrificio De Bernardi seem to fall. In the Gothic quarter, the architecture lightens. Like a delicate lace from Elitex, fine and elegant marble decorations beautify the arches. A style not so far removed from the rich decoration of the modernism of Casa Vicens, where a Cotonificio Ronghi fabric seems to want to highlight the floral tiles.

Concept & editing by Zoom on Fashion Trends magazine