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Material Story

The Snow Queen has covered the land in snowflakes and frozen its waters across the globe. Silver-white and glassy transparencies force flowers into hibernation. Beware of the deceptive ice, the suddenly thin ground opens up in the fragile spots on a Flame fabric. Eurotessile - Off Line’s fabric resembles a field surrounding a lake that used to be soft and opaque but is now an expanse of stiff silver threads. Broken branches on the water’s edge break the thin film, creating sharp breaks similar to Stephen Walters’ fabric. Crystalline white, glassy waters make Rifra Nastri’s ribbons shine and tiny, sharp spangles cover the broader surfaces, like a Marini Industrie fabric. The freeze gives dry twigs a metalized effect, like an Italian Converter fabric, a flower stem seems to be made of gold while the cold, wilted leaves on the ground take on the warm colour of Beste. Natural veining adds thickness to the fabric by Leathertex - Umberto Lenzi, like ice clusters around a piece of wood, while winter white invades a ribbed fabric by Nuova Tessilbrenta - Marzotto Group. Landing on the thinnest parts of a tree, the snow settles in equilibrium with the jersey cut-outs by Biojersey - Ellea.

Concept & editing by Zoom on Fashion Trends magazine