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Art du verre

Material Story

Curious shapes and unbridled imagination are expressed in glass creations. Whether it’s simple and minimal or extravagant designs, glass objects will always amaze with their play of reflections and multicoloured transparencies. The abstract and lively prints of Les Tissages Perrin are inspired by original and creative chandeliers. Overlapping colours and shapes create an unreal atmosphere. Cavalleri & C. is fascinated by a completely different style, where a subtle red light with a smooth and clear profile accentuates the only swelling of the glass object. The iridescent sequins of Hillary Fashion Textile bring joy and a festive spirit to the rhythm of the tinkling sound of cheerful balls peeking out the window. A majestic chandelier captures every gaze in the room; luminous white petals, like a flower from AR Arienzo, descend from the ceiling, spreading a clear and delicate light. The charm of glass paste lies in its hard softness. Coloured granules melt in the furnace's heat into a granite effect of a Ricciarini fabric that transforms into graceful animal shapes with astonishing details. Like the suction cups of a glass octopus, small mirrors cling tightly to a delicate transparent veil in Goretti - Minervahub embroidery. On a shelf, very light sparkling weavings of fairy wings crystallize and spread in the works of Dipama, a magic that comes from the undergrowth of enchanted mushroom hair on a Fada Tessuti fabric and continues in an amulet of swirling positive energies on a Mitwill Textiles print. A fascinatingly multifaceted material diffuses light between clarity and ‘see-through’. A damaged effect enhances the natural coexistence of fragility and strength, like the silvery trails on a black veil by Ruffo Coli.

Concept & editing by Zoom on Fashion Trends magazine