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Ser-viz Spa

Ser-Viz Spa
Ser-Viz was born in 1972 as a company producing hangers and related accessorises, thanks to anidea of its founder, Tiziano Vizzardi. Initially created as a family business in Grumello del Monte (stillheadquarter of the company), Ser-Viz soon made its way in the field thanks to two basic but keyconcepts of the label Made in Italy: elegance and high quality.

Passion and innovation led the company’s growth: the production site was implemented and movedinto a new bigger plant, also due to stocking needs.

At the same time, Tiziano’s sons took over the management but they continued to follow their father’soriginal path meant for Ser-Viz, including stages like development and internationalisation. Around the 2000, new plants were opened in Spain, Romania, Morocco and Tunisia, following the steadying market demand for hangers with top production standards that Ser-Viz can offer.