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Gazzella By Azzurra

Behind a successful story there is always a story of passion.
In 1983 Plinio Tettamanti found Azzurra which will soon become a reference for those looking for traditional prints and state-of-the-art technology.
Overs the years, with sons Riccardo e Marcello joining the company, comes the further opening up to innovation, investments in new machines and new technologies, the creation of the commercial division Gazzella.
It’s the story of a family that never stops thinking that the best has yet to come. And it is achievable,
Techniques and colours blend to give life to combinations of great visual impact: dévoré overprinted with pigments, discharged and dévoré velvets, embossed nylon and cotton seersucker, dévoré jersey to create new transparencies, 100% recycled pigments, pouff pigments, prints on fake leather, 3D prints, discharge prints on denim to create modern and unconventional looks, laminations and special finishing effects.
The desire to experiment along with our customers’ creativity is our driving force.
The sustainability of our products, the respect for the environment and the enhancement of our human resources are the fundamental values of Gazzella by Azzurra.