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Alberto Bardazzi

Our History
The company was founded in 1983 on the initiative of Alberto Bardazzi: my father was the typical Prato citizen who strongly loved to live and laugh, but more than anything else he infinitely loved his work and was willing to take risks to try to become a number one in it. From the very beginning he sensed an inexplicably under-exploited market niche in knitted fabrics, a small world whose potential had not yet been fully understood: he decided that precisely in knitted fabrics he would express his talent, his stubbornness, and all the valuable experiences acquired as a boy in various mills. The results immediately proved him right, so much that in a few years he was forced to move twice into larger buildings; his idea was right, the demand for knitted fabrics grew from year to year, as the satisfaction of seeing his fabrics become real milestones in the history of fashion industry, not surprisingly also present in the museum of Prato fabrics.